Student Success Statement

" When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive."- Alan Paton
This quote means that whatever we do in the pass and its something that we even know we wont be forgiven we should know that we would be forgiven even if it takes a long time. But the videos my teacher showed us was that this women forgave someone for drinking a driving and hitting her car, she forgave him since she doesn't want to be mad for the rest of her life she says its a waste of time already. We should be able to forgive people for what they have done and continued with our life being happy and not bitter.  If we stay mad and vengeful our whole life, we will have had never truly recovered from that event. The man also felt better when he was forgiven. He said that it had felt like all that guilt was finally taken off of him. Another example of this can be when a friend says something behind your back. At the moment you might feel like you have to get them back for betraying you will learn that is better to forgive than to get revenge.


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