Student Success Statement

" I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating."- Sophocles

I would have to agree with Sophocles, the best thing to do for our self is to be honest. Because then if we didn't we wouldn’t be able to forgive our self for winning by default or by cheating. You’re victory sure wouldn’t feel as good or the same than if you would have just did it the right way. For example if you were to cheat on one of your finals, and you end up getting 100% on it. You won’t feel as good as if you would have just studied and not cheated. More than likely you won’t be able to get that guilt out of your head. Just like Sophocles I would rather fail but do it the right way. Then cheat and win it all because then I would just feel guilty. Sophocles is also trying to say that the best thing to do is the honest and right thing. It will make you feel a lot more better than being dishonest. Sophocles saying in this quote is don't cheat its just a waste of time. I would rather fail and learn my lesson than to be a cheater for the rest of my life.


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