Student Success Statement

" Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."- George Washington

This quote means that the people that your surrounded with are the ones who is either going to make you a better person or not care or help you.  When your with good people they tend to make you a better person and not choose the wrong. You want to hang out with those people than people who make wrong decision in your life that will cause damage to yourself.  I personally started hanging with those type of kids when I was younger. I didn't know it back then but now I hang with friends that are good. And I want to help others and do what's right. Later on in life those bad people wont be in you life anymore, your going to start hanging with different type of crowds but when you pick one, pick one that is choosing the right. That's why who ever you hang out with will determine if you'll be a good person or bad.


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