Student Success Statement

"It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today."- James Freeman Clarke

This quote means that what we do today will affect us in the future. The decisions you make today can change your future so it is important to do positive thing to get positive outcome of it. What I think the quote by James Freeman Clarke means is when you do something wrong in this life time it would always effect you. If you murder someone it would affect you when you die. Whether it’s your legacy. When you die and you committed murder or rape people would forget you. You will always be remembered as a horrible person. They will go on with their lives and forget you while you rot. Also, it would affect you in all eternity because it decides whether you rot in hell or go to heaven. That's why you would rather do good in life and do better things like helping people or making fundraisers to help people. Then you'll be remember by doing good things and they wont forget you.


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