Student Success Statement
"I have been asked what I mean by 'Word of honor.' I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground-there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I'd die first." - Karl G Maeser

This quote means that we would have given our honor to stay in the circle. That we should have honor is that he will stick to his word , like for example say you are in house arrest you can not leave the house its up to you , you decide if you wanna keep your word . Being in house arrest mean that you can not leave the house no matter what , this is better than being in prison behind bars . But its up to you if you wanna keep your word because once you are in house arrest you made a commitment to stay in there no matter what . Another example would be school, when you kept your word that you were going to come to school everyday and not be tardy. Well that's a commitment that you made with the school to come early and not late.

This quote means that we would have given our honor to stay in the circle. That we should have honor is that he will stick to his word , like for example say you are in house arrest you can not leave the house its up to you , you decide if you wanna keep your word . Being in house arrest mean that you can not leave the house no matter what , this is better than being in prison behind bars . But its up to you if you wanna keep your word because once you are in house arrest you made a commitment to stay in there no matter what . Another example would be school, when you kept your word that you were going to come to school everyday and not be tardy. Well that's a commitment that you made with the school to come early and not late.
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