Student Success Statement

" I trust that my hard work will pay off." - Tyler Haws
This quote means that the statement tells us to trust our instinct. And trust what your gut tells you to do. For example if you want to be the most educated person in the world then you got to work for it.  You can do anything you want as long as you work hard to achieve your goal. Or if you want to be the most talented person in a sport then work hard. Tyler Haws worked hard to make the most basketball hoops that anyone has made during a game. He achieved it by working hard for it and practicing every single day for 2 hours. So if you want to achieve a goal you will have to work hard for it. And, remember that your hard work will pay off. And if others tell you it is impossible then don't focus on what others think focus on achieving your goal. That is the main goal. The quote is simply telling us that we just need to work hard everyday to reach our goal.


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