Student Success Statement

"What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right."-Albert Einstein

This quote means that you have the option to choose popular or being right. What I mean by popular is that if you want to go do all the things that are wrong like drinking, smoking, or maybe the way you dress. Like if you want to do all that then go ahead but it wont keep your friends for that long. When your doing something right you will notice it right away. Don't drink or smoke just so that you can fit in go with other people that don't do all that just to please people. Albert Einstein was a very smart man and when he did this quote he knew people will understand and will question weather to do right or to become popular. For example when someone offers you a drink just be polite and decline and leave if you want. When our teacher showed us a video about teenage drinking and I read about this quote I thought why are people trying to fit in with drinking. Parents are the ones who should tell them not to drink or smoke or change just to be in someone's group.


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